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来源: 大河网      时间:2023-06-16 08:38:54


Henan"s summer sowing basically completed


Henan"s summer sowing has basically come to an end, except some areas where late-season soybeans, coarse cereals with short growing period and rotating vegetables still being planted. By June 14, 86.62 million mu (1 mu equals about 666 square meters) or 95.2 percent of arable land has been sown across the province, with the sowing of maize and peanuts nearing completion.

夏收忙完,夏播接茬。截至6月14日,河南省夏播面积8662万亩,占预计面积的95.2%,玉米、花生播种基本结束,除部分晚播大豆、生长期短的杂粮、倒茬蔬菜还在陆续播种外,河南省夏季大宗作物集中播种期基本结束。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/刘晓波 编译/杨佳欣 审校/李文竞)


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